SCREW(Industrial fasteners)/Screw for Metal Fastening

ALUMITITEFor Aluminum Alloy

Screw for Metal Fastening

If normal self-tapping screws are used with a soft metal such as ADC, the screws are more likely to cause sticking with mated hole because of galling. Moreover, soft metal is more likely to cause the internal threads to deform or cause screws to loosen because of varying thermal expansion coefficients. To address such fastening problems, we have developed ALUMITITE.

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・Points where screws can get loose because of vibration
 automobiles, electric tools, air conditioning equipment, OA equipment, personal computers, mobile communication devices, agricultural machines, and other products
・Points where screws can get loose because of temperature changes
 engine parts, water heaters, personal computers, mobile communication devices, and other products
・Precoat with CP-Grip is also available for applications which prohibit metal powder

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